It’s the first MMO we've played that makes shooting guns in PvE feel viable and fun, and it now also includes some surprisingly effective melee weapons. While SyFy axed the television show back in 2015, the MMO lives on, continuing to succeed on the strength of its combat mechanics, satisfying character progression, and the its absolutely massive armory of weapons and gear.

Factions have splintered off and in many cases aliens and humans have banded together in the desperate struggle for survival. Earth has been rendered almost unrecognizable by the accidental deployment of alien terraforming technology, and a long war with the aliens responsible has left both sides on the brink of collapse. It helps that the world of Defiance is an interesting one, the result of a curious set of circumstances. Developing an MMO shooter based on a SyFy original television series sounds like a recipe for disaster, but somehow Trion Worlds was able to deliver an excellent game with a lot of cool hooks. The fact that Defiance is any good is practically miraculous. Available on: PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One